[English] Daliworks achieves significant outcomes in the United States including an MOU with Freewave Technologies
“As a small company founded 5 years ago, it is rare to meet top leaders of global-level companies in the United States. Fortunately, we could accompany President Moon Jae-in’s formal visit to the United States in late June as a member of business delegation, representing the emerging cloud-based Internet of Things (IoT) platform service industry. And it provided us chances of obtaining significant outcome through a dozen business meetings with these leaders,” said Lee Soonho, CEO of Daliworks, Inc.

During his stay in the United States, CEO Lee Soonho concluded a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Freewave Technologies, a global leading oil refinery and petrochemical company, for technological collaboration and expansion of global business at a business partnering event hosted by Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA) in Washington, D.C.
Under the MOU, Freewave Technologies will connect its industrial IoT hardware with ‘Thing+’, a cloud-based IoT platform of Daliworks and a core technology for the 4th industrial revolution, to expand cloud-based smart factory business in the global market, including North America.
The collaboration between the two companies aims at monitoring conditions and operation of production facilities in real time based on cloud to optimize and stabilize manufacturing processes. Daliworks’ IoT platform will also enable Freewave Technologies to predict and analyze glitches in equipments and take actions in advance by analyzing sensors of vibration, sound and electrical signals.
“As it provides flexible system structure that can be readily applied to diverse industrial IoT areas, ‘Thing+’ of Daliworks can be easily used for expanding business, and customers are highly satisfied with it in terms of stability and scalability of system,” said Scott Allan, Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of Freewave Technologies, after signing the MOU.
In addition to Freewave Technologies, Daliworks had meetings with several other U.S.-based companies in defense and oil refinery segments to build partnership relations.
Among others, Daliworks mainly provides ‘Thing+’, a highly stabilized and scalable cloud-based IoT platform service, with pool of excellent human resource who have core capabilities and experiences in cloud technology, embedded technology and big data analyzing capability. It provides IoT service to global large enterprises, while providing various subscription services and licensing models for medium and small-sized companies that can hardly afford high-cost IoT service.
In conjunction with Dell EMC, Daliworks is offering competitive services in diverse industrial IoT areas by connecting its ‘Thing+’ platform with Dell EMC’s Edge Gateway equipments. And, based on partnership with ARM, Daliworks is providing various IoT services by linking ARM’s ‘mbed’ cloud and numerous ‘mbed’-based IoT devices with ‘Thing+’ platform. Other customers or partners of Daliworks include dozens of global companies, such as Cisco, Qualcomm, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and SK Telecom.
Meanwhile, Daliworks concluded an MOU with CDG Group, the largest IT service provider in Thailand, in June and it took part in the ‘IT Road Show’ held in Istanbul, Turkey in July hosted by Korea’s Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.
“From the outset, we have been seeking to build partnership relations with global companies, targeting global market. I expect my latest visit to the United States will serve as a momentum of expanding into global market including the United States,” said CEO Lee Soonho.
by Korea Post Kim Cheol-hoon edt@koreapost.com